An Inverness Co. road is going to get major work done.
The Mabou Coal Mines Rd. will be reconstructed.
Allan MacMaster, the MLA for Inverness, says significant improvements will be made to the road, including ditching and brush cutting.
MacMaster tells The Hawk work will be done in the summer.
“It would happen when the construction season starts, which could be sometime in the spring or summer,” he says. “I’m not sure actually if they are going to be contracting the work out- if they are, they have to give the contractor some flexibility, but it’s something that will be happening this construction season.”
Betty Ann MacQuarrie, the warden for Inverness Co., says the road was identified for reconstruction.
MacQuarrie tells The Hawk the road work is badly needed.
“(It’s in) terrible shape- it has been for a number of years,” MacQuarrie says. “There (has) been patch work done, but it always seems to deteriorate very quickly, so reconstruction is necessary.”
MacQuarrie says the Mabou Coal Mines Rd. was discussed at the last meeting they had with their provincial transportation counterparts.
The road was voted one of the top 10 worst roads in the Atlantic region in 2016 and 2018.