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The Town of Port Hawkesbury moved to adopt a new accessibility plan during a regular council meeting this week
Mayor Brenda Chisholm-Beaton says the plan will be implemented from 2022 to 2025.
“At the end of the day, the goal of the accessibility plan will be for Port Hawkesbury to be a town for everyone regardless of level of ability or mobility. It covers a large gamut of ways that we can move the needle whether it’s around active transportation or programming and more.”
Chisholm-Beaton thanked the Accessibility Advisory Committee for their work on the plan, especially recognizing Co-Chair Mathew Higgins.
“Council unanimously endorsed the plan so definitely kudos to our Port Hawkesbury Accessibility Advisory Committee.”
Examples of the improvements to be made include more accessible washrooms in public areas like Granville Green and more automatic doors at the Civic Centre.
The full plan will be available to view on the Town website once it has been finalized.