Antigonish County has received complaints from residents surrounding illegal dumping and littering on Beech Hill Road.
The transfer station and the landfill are located on the road and some people have disposed of their garbage outside these facilities often when they are closed and, in some cases, unsecure loads of waste have fallen out of vehicles onto the road contributing to the mess.
The issue was brought up at the last committee of the whole meeting and Municipal Warden Owen McCarron says council will brainstorm ideas to discourage people from littering and illegal dumping.
One idea brought to the table was to put up some signage as a gentle reminder that illegal dumping and littering is not permitted and is punishable with a fine.
McCarron would like to encourage people to dispose of litter responsibly to help keep the counties roadsides clean. “If you are driving home and you have a coffee cup or food wrapper in your vehicle, keep it in your vehicle and throw it out when you get home.” says McCarron. “Along the roadsides we see littering and its discouraging and we hope that people value the cleanliness of our community and what it can be.”
Residents that transport their waste to the landfill or the transfer station are reminded to ensure that the loads in their vehicles are secured so they don’t fall onto the road.
The municipality is expected to discuss this issue at a future meeting.