The community group, “Let Antigonish Decide” is updating communities on the legal action against the consolidation of the Town and County of Antigonish.
The group has filed an application to the Nova Scotia Supreme Court that aims to quash the recent motion made to consolidate the two communities. The file will go to the Antigonish Court to be certified.
The members of “Let Antigonish Decide” believe that having a plebiscite vote is the best way for community members to have their voices heard on big changes like consolidation.
Their first community meeting in Lakevale this week was successful with over 75 people in attendance at the Mini Trail Centre.
Group member Sarah Armstrong affirmed that consolidation is not a done deal and there are opportunities to secure a plebiscite vote.
The group is hosting three more community meetings: in Havre Boucher on January 29th at the community centre. Maryvale on January 31st at the fire hall, and Lochaber at the community centre on February 2nd. All meetings will begin at 7PM.
You can keep out to date with Let Antigonish Decide on their Facebook group or their website