The old water tower in Port Hawkesbury (Tamarac) is being demoed.
When we posted this on The Hawk’s Facebook Page, reaction was immediate! This structure has been in the town for many, many years and a lot of people have fond memories associated with it.
There were lots of questions too. How long has it been there? Why is it an unusual shape? Why can’t it be left? Is it full of chicken? (that last one is a joke but MANY people thought, as kids, that it had something to do with KFC)
Well, I don’t have the answers but I know a guys who does! I happen to be married to the Manager of Engineering & Public Works for the Town of Port Hawkesbury, Jason MacMillan. So I called him and asked him all your burning questions, you can listen to that below!
Trevor Boudreau took these pictures of the progress this afternoon.