Parks Canada continues to monitor the Green Cove area killing an aggressive coyote.
A coyote chased and bit a cyclist Wednesday of last week.
While they monitor, certain areas are closed to visitors:
Black Brook decommissioned campground, the Mary Ann Falls Road, Green Cove, and the Broad Cove Mountain Trail. Additionally, pedestrians are asked not to walk the Cabot Trail between Black Brook and the Warren Lake Road.
Visitors and residents are reminded to report coyote sightings within Cape Breton Highlands National Park to Parks Canada Dispatch at 1-877-852-3100.
For your safety, here are some tips to follow if you encounter a coyote:
• Do not feed it or entice it to come closer
• Give it its space
• Do not run away
• Make and maintain eye contact with the coyote
• Wave your arms and shout so you appear larger to the coyote (or blow your vehicle’s horn if you are in it)
• Do not crouch down as you will appear smaller to the coyote
• If it approaches you, yell and make yourself look big, or throw rocks or hard objects at it