Bigandt / Depositphotos.com
I’m assuming you are not in fact, a polar bear so with that in mind, be prepared for “why does my face hurt!?!?!?” cold next week.
We will be treated to a rainy Sunday and Monday with temperatures in the 6-8 degree range but that will change come Tuesday.
Forecasters are predicting that a cold surge from the Artic will spread across central and eastern Canada bringing with it some intense wind chills.
By Tuesday, it will feel like -20. That will continue on Wednesday.
It looks like the “why do I even live here!?!?!?” cold snap will last a few days before beginning to warm up towards the end of the week.
By Thursday, it will be closer to -12 and -6 on Friday. Once the weekend rolls around, we will be back to regular temps, closer to -2.