It’s another storm day in the Quad Counties, the second in less than a week.
Officials with the Strait Regional Centre for Education have cancelled all classes Monday.
It’s a system shutdown, which means the physical buildings are closed, and support staff are not required to report to work.
It’s also a storm day for Ecole acadienne de Pomquet, Ecole Beau-Port in Arichat, We’koqma’q First Nation School, Allan Lafford High in Potlotek, Mi’kmawey school and the Cape Breton-Victoria Regional Centre for Education.
NSCC Strait Area Campus and Wagmatcook Learning Centre and StFX are closed for the day.
You can find a full list of updated cancellations by clicking here.
This is the third region-wide storm day of the 2020-21 school year, and the second since Tuesday.